Stop Mould From Taking Over Your Unit

It is a common sight to wake up in winter and see a thick layer of condensation on your windows. Same as getting an icy cold bottle out of the fridge and leaving it on your tabletop for a good half hour. Condensation occurs when water vapour in the air is changed into a liquid. It occurs when water forms as droplets on a cold area when humid air is in contact with it. So, it forms on our windows when the cool air outside, connects with your windows where warm air is trapped within.

A buid up of condensation can quickly cause serious mould problems which can start from some simple black spots to taking over entire walls in your home, most commonly in wet areas like your bathroom.

So, thats our science lesson on condensation! But how do we avoid it?

Avoiding Condensation Build Up in Units

  1. Keep Your Unit Ventilated.

    Even on those cold days, be sure to have some periods where windows are open to fresh air can ventilate through.

  2. Turn on fans in bathroom and open windows when showering.

    This will allow the excess moisture in the air to be taken away. It is also handy to close the bathroom door when showering as it will keep the moisture contained to your bathroom alone.

  3. Turn on exhaust fans when cooking.

    Your exhaust fan will take away any excess moisture.  It is also recommended to keep lids on pots and pans to stop moisture escaping.

  4. Dry your clothes outside as opposed to inside.

    Keeping wet clothes inside is an open invitation to invite mould into your home.

  5. Check for any suspicious leaks.

    If you have a leak in your ceiling it could be the cause of excess moisture.

Follow these quick and simple tips to help keep the mould from settling in at your unit this winter.