Preparing your property for an Open For Inspection

So, your property has been photographed. It’s on the web and an open for inspection has been booked. Here are some tips to make sure your open for inspection is successful.

  1. Tidy up and hide unnecessary items

    When people walk in to your property with the view of leasing the property, it is important to keep clean lines throughout. This means clearing away un-needed items such as photos, books, remotes, clothes etc. The cleaner the line, the more spacious a property feels.

  2. Clean, clean, clean!

    You will need to do a final clean when you move out of the property but why not get ahead of the game! Make sure the property is clean, mirrors are free of streaks, kitchen countertops and oven is clean and the property smells fresh and clean when the clients walk in. Remove shoes from the entrance and any hazards people might trip over.

  3. Put away any valuable items

    Although I have never had anything stolen at an open for inspection, I put it down to warning clients to put any valuable items or items that can be easily stolen away before the open. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

  4. Put out any keys that the agent may not have

    These include garage remotes, keys to storage cages and windows (in case they need to open one!) If a client wants to see if their car fits in the garage and we can’t access the space, it could jeopardize their willingness to submit an application. Or they might see another property straight after that they know will fit their car and apply for that instead. Basically, we need access to all areas.

  5. Move larger furniture out

    This isn’t a must however if there is a piece of furniture which really swamps the room or makes it difficult for people to move freely around the property, sometimes it makes sense to move it out for the opens. If people can’t move around the apartment it gives the impression of it being smaller,

  6. Take Fido for a walk

    You may love your furry companion however prospective tenants may not! Make sure that the bedding is put away and any fur/smells left by the animal is removed. Vacuum up any pet hair and air the property thoroughly, counteracting any smells by making a fresh pot of coffee (cliché – but works) or by lighting a candle. Just make sure the smell isn’t too overpowering.